New Surge Protection Devices and Tech: What You Need to Know

Imagine walking into your facility on a Monday morning after a relaxing weekend only to find critical production lines down. 

A thunderstorm may be the reason, but how can you be sure? The uncertainty and downtime are frustrating. Wouldn’t it be great to have concrete evidence to guide your troubleshooting efforts? 

In this Power Grid podcast episode, we discussed the latest advancements in surge protection technology, turning guesswork into actionable data.

The Evolution of Surge Tech Protection: Beyond Simple Surge Counting

Today, we’re exploring the cutting edge of surge protection devices (SPDs). These aren’t your grandfather’s surge protectors; they’re intelligent power protection devices equipped with advanced diagnostics and communication capabilities.

In the past, surge protectors were fairly basic. They might have included a surge counter, but that often left more questions than answers. 

What level of surge triggered the counter? Which phase was affected? And what was the count before the incident occurred? These unknowns made it difficult to pinpoint the cause of equipment failures and take proactive measures to prevent future problems.

The need for more informative diagnostics has driven innovation in the surge protection industry. Today’s SPDs go beyond simple surge counting, providing a wealth of data that empowers facility managers to make informed decisions about their power protection strategies.

Smarter Diagnostics: Surge Protection Devices Get an Upgrade

Modern surge protection devices are equipped with advanced monitoring and diagnostic features, offering a deeper understanding of power quality events.

The power grid podcast New Surge Protection Tech

A Leader in Surge Protection Innovation

Companies like Power Protection Products have been at the forefront of developing advanced surge protection technology with enhanced diagnostic capabilities.

Their commitment to innovation has led to the creation of SPDs that empower users with actionable insights and improve the overall reliability of electrical systems.


Advanced Monitoring Displays

These displays often feature tri-colored LED indicators for each phase, providing real-time visual feedback on the protection circuit’s status. 

Green typically indicates full protection; amber signals reduced protection, and red alerts you to the need for immediate replacement.


Data Logging and Timestamping

Today’s SPDs can log surge events, capturing the date, time, and magnitude of each surge, so you don’t have to keep a handwritten track. 

This invaluable data helps pinpoint when surges occurred, correlate them with equipment failures, and identify patterns or trends.

Power Factor 101_ Avoid Power Penalties, Boost Capacity

Health Monitoring

Many surge protection devices now include features that track the health and remaining lifespan of the protection circuit

This allows for proactive maintenance and replacement, ensuring that your equipment remains protected at all times.


Remote Monitoring and Communication

The latest surge protection devices aren’t just smarter; they’re also more connected. Many models offer various communication options, allowing you to access surge data and device health information remotely.

  • Connectivity Options: Depending on the model, you might find surge protectors with Ethernet ports, onboard web pages, Modbus, BACnet, or the ability to integrate with your existing facility management dashboard.
  • Real-time Insights: Remote monitoring provides facility managers with real-time access to critical information about their surge protection system. This enables proactive maintenance, faster response to potential problems, and informed decision-making about power protection strategies. Imagine receiving an alert on your smartphone when a surge event occurs, allowing you to investigate the cause and take corrective action before further damage occurs.
  • New Form Factors: Surge Protection for Every Application


New Surge Protectio Tech with power protection products

Advancements in surge protection technology aren’t limited to diagnostics and communication. Manufacturers are also developing new form factors to address the diverse needs of modern facilities.


Breaker Surge Protection

These innovative devices are designed to fit directly into existing panel boards or switchboards, eliminating the need for modifications. They look and function like a breaker, providing a seamless and space-saving surge protection solution.


DIN Rail Mounted Surge Protection

For applications where space is at a premium, DIN rail-mounted surge protectors offer a compact and versatile solution. 

These devices are available in a wide range of AC and DC voltage options, making them suitable for various applications, from industrial machinery to sensitive electronics. Many models even feature remote monitoring capabilities for added convenience and control.

These new form factors stand out because they expand the possibilities for surge protection, ensuring that you can find the right solution to safeguard your equipment, regardless of the available space or specific application requirements.

Today’s Technology

So, in conclusion, surge protection technology has come a very long way. Today’s surge protection devices are intelligent, informative, and adaptable, empowering you with the tools to proactively manage power quality and protect your critical assets.

If you’re ready to upgrade your surge protection strategy and gain valuable insights into your electrical system’s health, don’t hesitate to contact Power Protection Products. Our team of experts can guide you through the selection and implementation of the latest surge protection technologies, ensuring your facility’s long-term reliability and resilience.

Remember, in the world of power protection, knowledge is power.

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest surge protection advancements, and give yourself the confidence that your electrical system is prepared for whatever challenges come its way.


The Power Grid podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative.